Productive potential, morphometry, nutritional value, and nutrient recycling of wild populations of Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene
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arid zones
coastal vegetation
forage species
nutritive value

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Halophyte grasses constitute an alternative for animal feeding in semi-desert and arid ecosystems, the objective of this study being to evaluate the productivity, morphometry, nutritional value, and recycling of minerals of wild populations of D. spicata in two coastal ecosystems in Baja California Sur, Mexico. The data associated with the study were analyzed using an unbalanced two-factor experimental design, with factor A represented by the Coastal Coasts with two levels, Pacific Ocean Coast and Gulf of California Coast, and factor B represented by the natural condition in which they are located found the populations of D. spicata, alone or associated with other plant species, considering three repetitions for each level in each study factor. The variables evaluated were green, dry, and dead matter, content of Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg, K and Cu in plant tissue, chemical composition (crude protein, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, acid detergent fiber-bound N and acid detergent insoluble ash) and nutritional value of D. spicata. The texture was determined in the soil. The results showed that D. spicata on both coasts grows and develops near wetlands, lagoons, intertidal region, pools, and tide pools, all at coastal level, its chemical composition and nutritional value resembled the bromatological pattern of grasses. tropical. Concluding that, the morphometric and productive aspects suggest a forage aptitude with possibilities of implementing grazing, although with low animal load.
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