Revista Bio Ciencias

Current Issue

Vol. 11 (2024)
Published March 21, 2024

Revista Bio Ciencias is an electronic publication, refereed and indexed that disseminates technical quality information in Agriculture and Biologic areas. The aim and scope of Revista Bio Ciencias is to promote a space of reflection regarding current paradigms and tendencies in biological sciences, the latter from disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary approaches. Hence, the main areas of interest of the journal are: environmental sciences, veterinary, zootechnics as well as aquaculture/fishing and agriculture. Researches approaching socio-economic issues related to agricultural productive chains are also welcome.

Revista Bio Ciencias is published three times a year, and manuscripts reception is open permanently all year. Manuscripts are published in formats of original articles, revision articles (only by invitation), brief articles, case reports, technical reports, editorials, news and letters to the editor.

Revista Bio Ciencias is found within the following indexes: classification system of Mexican journals of science and technology (CONACYT index), Web of Science (Emerging Source), DOAJ, Latindex and Imbiomed. DOI: 10.15741/revbio.

Revista Bio Ciencias is an open access forum in which there are no Article Processing Charges (APC) nor for publishing; nonetheless, from March 15th 2018, authors can submit articles in English or Spanish. Once articles have been accepted for publication, authors must complement their submission in both languages (Spanish/English), or else they must declare that they wish to have the translation made with one of our certified expert translators, who will be in direct contact with the authors for the translation process, and this will have an approximate cost of $100 USD (one hundred American dollars).

Ethical principles: Revista Bio Ciencias receives manuscripts under predujice of good repute of authors; hence, all information is published under their responsibility. Starting the year 2017, the journal will use the program Turnitin as plagarism prevention service. In case an author is detected to have committed plagiarism, he will be banned from Revista Bio Ciencias and the published article will be withdrawn.

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