Effect of cutting, burning and herbicide application on the structure and species diversity of an Amelichloa clandestina (Hack.) Arriaga & Barkworth grassland in the Chihuahuan Desert
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Species diversity
Invasive species
Opportunistic plants

Métricas de PLUMX 


This study aimed to evaluate various elimination strategies on the richness and diversity of species in a grassland dominated by Amelichloa clandestina in northeast Mexico. This species establishes after the abandonment of agricultural areas. In two grasslands of 40 and 60 ha, four treatments were evaluated: Cutting of the grass cover, application of herbicide, application of burning, and control. Six repetitions per treatment were applied in 100 m2 plots. To evaluate the treatments in each plot, the vegetation cover of plant species was measured, in each corner of the 2 x 2 m plots quadrants, where the species present were identified and their height and aerial cover were registered. The herbicide treatment resulted in the greatest reduction of A. clandestina since it registered the lowest height (17.5 cm), aerial cover (7.4 cm2), and density (6,750 plants ha­–1) of the dominant species. Also, it presented the highest richness and the highest diversity index with 2.46 nats. It is considered that the application of herbicide is the best alternative to maintain the richness and diversity of species in this A. clandestina grassland.

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