Productive characteristics of natal grass [Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka]
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Forage quality

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The objectives of the work were to characterize the morphology, forage production, nutritional quality and resistance to drought of Natal grass. The evaluated variables were: botanical composition (point line), forage production (cut into 0.25 m2 quadrants), pasture morphology (separation of plant components), in the growth stage the analysis of CP (Kjeldahl method), and in vitro Organic Matter Digestibility (Daysy method), and Acid and Neutral Fibers (Van Soest method). the germination percentage and its response to drought (0, -1.0 and -2.0 MPa). Data were analyzed using a completely randomized analysis. The botanical composition was integrated mainly by grasses, followed by herbaceous and shrubs with 67.45%, 16.90% and 15.65%, respectively. Production in the study area was from 244 to 2118 kg DM ha-1. The germination percentage of natal grass decreases by 72 % when it is subjected to osmotic pressure levels of -1.0 MPa. During the growth stage, the natal grass presented levels of 11.53 % CP. The CP levels could be due to the amount of leaves that appeared during the growing season. It is recommended to make CP measurements throughout the year in order to observe change dynamics in natal grass.
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