Effect of plant extract combinations on seedlings of Nicotiana tabacum L var. "Corojo 2012".
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Aloe vera
Samanea saman
Moringa oleifera

Métricas de PLUMX 


The research was carried out in traditional tobacco seedbeds on the farm "La Rosa", in the months of February – March 2021 with the aim of evaluating the biostimulant effect of the combinations of extracts of S. saman + A. vera + M. oleifera on seedlings of N. tabacum var Corojo 2012. An experimental design of random blocks was used, with 13 treatments and three replications, the indicators plant height, number of leaves, internodes and nodes, stem diameter, root length and root volume were evaluated. The T4 treatment presents the best results in the indicators plant height and internode distance with 12.39 cm and 2.34 cm respectively. The best behavior in the number of leaves is presented by T6 with 5.4 leaves. In the radical volume, the treatments T5 and T9 are superior to the control by 54% and in the length of the root, the best results show T10 and T9 with values of 5.59 and 5.64 cm respectively, these in turn are superior to the control by 16%. The use of combined extracts shows a biostimulant effect on the different variables evaluated in seedlings of tobacco variety "Corojo 2012" in traditional seedbeds.

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