The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae activated autolyzed yeast, and β -glucans in the diet of male Cryphiops caementarius on total and differential counts of hemocytes. 24 male shrimp captured in the Pativilca River of 7.05 ± 1.09 g and 5.9 ± 0.43 cm were used. The shrimp were kept in individual cultivation systems. Three experimental diets (3 % activated yeast, 3 % autolyzed yeast and 0.6 % β -glucans) and a control diet with six replications were used. The total number of hemocytes (33.05 x 105 cell mL-1) was significantly higher (p<0.05) at 30 days with activated yeast than with autolyzed yeast (18.54 x 105 cell mL-1) and with ß-glucans (14.53 x 105 cell mL-1). Semigranulocytes and granulocytes hemocytes were significantly higher (p<0.05) at 15 days (14.38 x 105 cell mL-1) and 30 days (18.91 x 105 cell mL-1), respectively with activated yeast. The hyalinocytes decreased with the experimental diets and the atypical hemocytes almost disappear with activated and autolyzed yeast. The results demonstrate that the activated yeast in the diet of male shrimp improves the number hemocytes.
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