Reproductive condition of Centropomus robalito (Perciformes: Centropomidae) in the coastal lagoon of Chautengo, Guerrero, Mexico.
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Commercial fishing
Asynchronous development
Gonadal histology

Métricas de PLUMX 


It is important to know the reproductive characteristics of the organisms that are captured for commercialization, Centropomus robalito, is a coastal species that is commercialized throughout the Mexican Pacific. The objective of this study is to determine some reproductive characteristics of the species, describe the length distribution, know the sexual ratio, and provide information on gonadal development, through microscopic analysis. The organisms were obtained each month from the commercial fishing that takes place in the Chautengo lagoon, Guerrero. The fish were measured, weighed, and the gonads and liver were removed and weighed. The gonads were preserved in neutral formalin and processed for histological analysis to identify the degree of gonadal maturity and sex. 330 organisms were sampled, which presented a total length of 19.7 cm and a total weight of 75.3 g. A greater number of females than males were captured. The best represented stage of maturity in both sexes was immature. Oocytes has asynchronously development and the cell arrangement in the testis is lobular. A reproductive period of the species was not identified, since the values of the gonadosomatic index and the stages of gonadal maturation did not present a clear trend and significant variation in the sampling year. The growth of the organisms was negative allometric. It is concluded that the commercial capture is directed mainly to immature fish, this does not allow future reproduction; and may also indicate that C. robalito is being overexploited.
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