Growth and quality of peach (Prunus spp.) plants under nursery conditions to be selected as rootstock
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Organic fertilizers, quality of the plant, growth of peach trees.

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To guarantee the success of peach cultivation, it is convenient to use quality rootstocks that are well adapted to the place of establishment. In the present study, the growth and quality of Prunus spp. that were established in different organic substrates, to be selected as rootstock. The seeds were collected during July and August 2021 in Latuvi, Santa Catarina Lachatao, Oaxaca, and placed in refrigeration at 5 °C until germination, between 53 and 62 days. A completely randomized design and 4x4 factorial arrangement was established, that is, peach genotype factor: yellow pulp, white pulp prisco, white pulp and white pulp veneer; substrate factor: 100% soil, 60% soil + 40% chicken manure, 60% soil + 40% bovine manure, and 60% soil + 40% forest land. The white-fleshed peach genotype showed significantly higher values in the morphological variables at 255 days after sowing: height of 76.87 cm, stem diameter (at 10 cm of height) 7.28 mm. The genotypes of yellow-fleshed peach, white-fleshed prisco, and white-fleshed veneer were classified as having high morphological quality. The white flesh peach genotype was classified as medium quality. The soil substrate with chicken manure significantly benefited the plants in all the variables, reflecting plants of high morphological quality. It is possible to use the white-fleshed peach genotype as rootstock, since it excelled in growth and quality.
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