The present work deals with an analysis of the historical precipitation in the period 1972- 2012 of the stations FELIPE CARRILLO PUERTO (DGE) - QROO, X-PICHIL - QROO, and SEÑOR - QROO of the National Meteorological Service in the State of Quintana Roo to determine the dry and wet events of Felipe Carrillo Puerto town. Polygon areas surrounding the stations were defined using Voronoi diagrams and the standardized precipitation index (SPI) was calculated for the precipitation reported by each station. It was found that there are precipitation patterns changes between stations that may respond to the geographic factors of the area. It was proposed to calculate the SPI using an areal factor in the study area. The results show that the areal factor does not change the wet and dry events in the area, which allows us to have a distribution of precipitation in the area near the station. The precipitation patterns show for the study area greater dry events for the last years of the record, i.e. drought events in the area.
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