The intensive use of chemical fertilizers has caused environmental pollution and public health problems. One strategy that ensures nutrient use efficiency with reduced rates of synthetic fertilizers is the use of microbial biostimulants. The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of three microbial biostimulants on jalapeño pepper seedlings and fruits under protected macrotunnel conditions. The treatments evaluated were: 1) Genifix®, 2) Trichoderma, 3) Bio-Terra® and 4) control. For the evaluation in seedlings, 40 seeds per treatment were germinated. The response variable was taken 29 days after sowing, which was the dry weight of the seedling and root. In the evaluation of fruits, a randomized complete block design was used with four repetitions (blocks), in each block six chili plants were considered. The response variables were weight, equatorial and polar diameter of 20 fruits taken at random. The production of the macrotunnel in weight of the total fruits per cut and per block was also considered. The Genifix® product originated seedlings with a higher dry weight, with an average increase of 39.9% in seedlings and 40.8% in roots. Genifix® and Trichoderma had a significant effect on the weight and equatorial diameter of the fruits. In production, the biostimulants Genifix® and Trichoderma were the ones that presented the best results. The use of the evaluated biostimulants is an option to increase the quality and production of jalapeño pepper with minimal crop fertilization
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