Yield of habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) with the use of different NPK levels in Campeche, México
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yield productivity
Capsicum spp
plant nutrition
fertigation system

Métricas de PLUMX 


In the Yucatan Peninsula, the habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) is one of the agricultural products with the highest demand and value. Improving productive yields in the field means increasing the development of regional producers. The objective of this research was to evaluate different N-P-K (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) fertilization formulas in the cultivation of habanero pepper under outdoor conditions. The experiment was carried out at the Xamantún Experimental Field of the Chiná Institute of Technology, Campeche, Mexico. Five fertilization formulas were evaluated: 150-50-200, 200-100-240, 250-150-280, 300-200-320 and 350-250-360, in a fertigation system for habanero pepper plants. The study variables evaluated were: number of flowers per plant (NFP), number of fruits per plant (NFRP), fruit length (LFR), fruit diameter (DFR), and fruit yield per plant (FRYP). . The results indicate that the 350-250-360 formula was the best treatment for the variables NFRP, LFR, DFR and FRYP, obtaining an average yield of 41,259 kg ha-1. The results suggest that using doses higher than those recommended increases fruit production by plants.

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