The economy of rural families consists of a varied network of activities and relationships between the community and the outside world. The Cofradía de San José is a rural community with a high migration rate. The income and expenditure patterns of families in the region have become complex, being composed of the income generated by the families' productive activities and the exogenous transfers they receive (government transfers and remittances received). The objective of this research is to describe the structural characteristics of the economy of the Cofradía de San José, its labor market, the impact of organized crime in the community and its relationship with the outside world based on the construction of a social population accounting matrix. The community consists of agricultural (45%), migrant (37%), and non-agricultural (18%) households. Institutions play an important role in the community; organized crime directly affects producers, retains 5.4% of the income from agricultural activities, leads to the abandonment of productive activities, and encourages migration. In 2022, agriculture, especially avocado cultivation, was fundamental in the economy, followed by commerce and services. Remittances are an important source of income, accounting for 30% of households’ income and used for family expenses, agricultural investment, and education.
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