Development of single-cross maize hybrids with different parent selection strategies
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Zea mays L.
Molecular markers
Breeding methods
Genotypic methods

Métricas de PLUMX 


The success of a hybrid-breeding program depends on the correct selection of parents and the efficient use of genotypic methods. The objective was to evaluate the efficiency of molecular markers in comparison to two traditional breeding methods. Sixty-three single corn hybrids derived from the three selection strategies and seven commercial controls were evaluated under a 10 × 10 lattice design with three replications at two locations in Tamaulipas. The study variables were the agronomic and yield parameters of the experimental hybrids. A combined analysis of variance and orthogonal contrasts were performed with the means of the hybrids obtained. Differences were detected in all variables between genotypes and environments, however, in the genotype × environment interaction only in number of rows, ear diameter, days to male and female flowering. Hybrids with yields greater than 9 t ha-1 were P3097, P3092, 30F53 and LEARB9 × UAY113, the latter obtained using the molecular marker strategy with greater genetic distance between line pairs. Orthogonal contrasts showed differences for the molecular method vs. evaluation of lines per se and general combining ability by crossbreeding test in yield, ear diameter, plant and ear height; likewise, significance was detected in the per se method vs. crossbreeding in plant and ear height. Microsatellites revealed useful information to be used as auxiliary tools in traditional hybridization programs.
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