Skin-to-skin contact and the initiation of breastfeeding during the first hour of life is associated with the exclusivity and duration of breastfeeding. In Mexico there are no peer-reviewed studies on the knowledge, attitude, and practice of breastfeeding in mothers treated in private health services. Descriptive cross-sectional study that collected data using validated questions. The mothers who reported skin-to-skin contact with their newborn during the first hour of life formed group A, the rest group B. The score on knowledge and practice in breastfeeding was classified as adequate or not adequate. 143 mothers were included; 46.2% made up group A and 53.8% made up group B. 41.3% began breastfeeding in the first hour of life. 80% had adequate knowledge and 60.8% had a positive attitude towards breastfeeding; there were no differences between the groups. Positive attitude toward breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact were associated with initiation of breastfeeding during the first hour of life. In the design of interventions to promote breastfeeding, the maternal attitude towards breastfeeding is key.
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