Incorporation of the fruit of Parmentiera aculeata as a low-cost alternative flavoring for the formulation of a fermented beverage analogue of kombucha
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Fermented beverages
healthy beverages

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Kombucha" is a traditional fermented beverage from the Asian continent related to important biological activities and for its content of microorganisms. The beverage is acidic and for consumers it is not pleasant. Therefore, it has been decided to flavor the beverage with fruits and vegetables to improve its sensory characteristics through a second fermentation. The objective is to develop an analogous kombucha beverage with the incorporation of the fruit of Parmentiera aculeata as a low-cost alternative flavoring, aiming at its valorization. The kombucha beverage was developed by a 12-day fermentation and by means of a randomized complete design was flavored with P. aculeata juice, pieces of the fruit and both in a second fermentation. pH, °Brix and titratable acidity (lactic acid and acetic acid, g/L) were monitored. Mainly, pH values consistent with those previously reported (3.0-3.5), 1°Brix consumption during the first fermentation and titratable acidity lower than previous reports were observed. Formulation 3 was rated as "I like it a little". This is the first report of the use of Parmentiera acuelata fruit in the flavoring of a kombucha analog beverage and is an encouragement for the development of new fermented beverages.
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