Response of Agave potatorum Zucc to two doses of slow-release fertilizer and growth regulators
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Wild agave
Plant nutrition
Plant growth

Métricas de PLUMX 


In Oaxaca, Mexico, Agave potatorum Zucc, a wild species, is intensively used for mezcal production. This study evaluated the effect of applying two doses (5 and 10 g plant-1) of slow-release fertilizer (SRF) Osmocote Plus (OS) and growth regulators (GR) Biozyme TF® (BI) and Agromil Plus® (AG) on the growth and accumulation of total soluble solids in the stem (TSS) of A. potatorum plants under nursery conditions. A completely randomized design with a 3×3 factorial arrangement was used. After 12 months, plant height (PH), number of unfolded leaves (NUL), stem diameter (SD), root length (RL), root volume (RV), root density (RD), fresh leaf weight (FLW), stem (FSW), and root (FRW), as well as TSS, were determined. Compared to the control, OS10g increased PH by 40.1%, SD by 17.7%, FLW by 58.8%, FSW by 43.2%, FRW by 43.7%, RD by 33.3%, and TSS by 25.3%. OS5g increased PH by 24.4%, SD by 19.3%, FLW by 49.0%, FSW by 61.1%, and TSS by 22.6%. BI increased PH by 9.7%, SD by 19.6%, FSW by 77.3%, FRW by 50.0%, RV by 72.2%, and TSS by 18.6%. AG increased NUL by 23.8%, SD by 24.5%, and FSW by 101.7%. OS5g+BI increased PH by 43.0%, SD by 81.6%, FLW by 144.2%, FSW by 332.2%, RV by 137.1%, and TSS by 75.8%. OS5g+AG increased NUL by 52.3% and RV by 136.1%. OS10g+no GR increased FLW by 141.1%. OS10g+BI increased PH by 43.7%, FRW by 129.8%, and TSS by 75.0%. OS10g+AG increased RD by 46.1%. The individual or combined application of SRF and GR enhanced growth and TSS in A. potatorum plants.
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