The homegarden (HG) is an agro-ecosystemwith a prehistoric origin managed by women. The HG isimportant in the survival of large numbers of ethnic andpeasant groups and contains a considerable biologicaland cultural diversity. We inventoried the ethnoflora of15 HG, and interviewed their owners (13 women and2 men). Agrobiodiversity of HG is remarkable since 52botanical families, 118 genera, 146 species, 1 subspeciesand 13 varieties were recorded. Cultivated herbswith edible and ornamental use are the most common.Native and introduced species are 69 and 77, respectively.Most HG are handled by older women living alone, who make the decisions about theagro-ecosystem. The destination of production is consumptionof the household.Revista Bio Ciencias by Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on work of http://biociencias.uan.edu.mx/.
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