Ocurrence of Argulus sp. in Dormitator latifrons culture: prevalence, mortality and treatment
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Native fish
chemical treatment

Métricas de PLUMX 


During culture of native fish Dormitator latifrons, the presence of ectoparasite Argulus sp. was recorded. The signs associated with parasitism were: decreased food intake, erratic or violent swimming, overproduction of mucus, hyperemic lesions in the integument, integument deep abrasions, loss of fins and death. Argulus sp. prevalence was 100 % and mortality of the total population was 52 %. Treatment was performed with 0.3 ppm trichlorfon resulting in a prevalence of 0 %. Posttreatment fish developed normally. No new deaths associated with parasitosis or treatment were observed. It is recommended to establish a quarantine period of fish taken from the wild including chemical treatment with trichlorfon.
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