

It is through this current number (volume 3, number 1) that the Revista Bio Ciencias begins its 5th year of uninterrupted publication. And it is in this number that a series of strategies are implemented in the search of consolidation and incorporation of this publication to renowned indexes at an international level. Within the new implementations we can outline: the publication of all articles in both English and Spanish, the internationalization of the editorial committee and the implementation of the journal manager Open Journal System. The changes before mentioned come to strengthen this institutional project and make Revista Bio Ciencias the first edited journal in the Autonomus University of Nayarit that implements strict standards demanded nowadays by the international scientific community.

In this number six articles are published: the first two correspond to review paper and the rest are original researches. In the first paper a biotechnology importance matter is addressed, with commercial and environmental implications. In this manuscript, Huerta Alcocer and contributor investigators of the National Polytechnic Institute state a strategy to obtain inulinase enzymes from waste of agave plants.
The second review article is published by Aragon-Flores, Martinez-Cardenas and Valdez-Hernandez, researchers from the Autonomus University of Nayarit and the Autonomus University of Chapingo. Along the article the effect of fluctuations of photoperiods on different physiological parameters of fishes with commercial importance is discussed.

In the paper published by Ruelas-Hernandez and contributors, the results obtained in research made in order to determine the potential of antioxidants in the jamaica plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are reported, being the latter an agricultural product with great exploitation potential, since our country is ranged within the ten countries with higher production of this plant and Nayarit stands in the 4th place at a national level. Hence, there is a continuous research of properties of this plant that might favor its commercialization in local and international markets.

On the other hand, Ruelas-Hernandez and contributors in the article entitled “Identification of morphological variation patterns of squash species from the coast and sierra of Nayarit, Mexico” characterize the morphological variability of 14 accessions of two species of squash. Thus, the characteristics of the most important morphological components allow the identification of genetic patterns of this agricultural product widely domesticated and diversified.

In the manuscript entitled “Copper as water consumption enhancer during the vase life of Lilium ‘Elite’”, Arriaga-Frias and contributors of the National Autonomus University of Mexico discuss the results obtained from experiments where flowers (Lilium ‘Elite`) are exposed to different concentrations of copper chloride. The authors propose that this metal favors water consumption and therefore base life of this species of flower with commercial importance.

Finally, in this number there is a published paper written by Diaz-Resendiz and Girón-Perez. In the document there are data referring to the toxic effect of chlorpyrifos,an organophosphate pesticide widely used for farming activities, on the immune system of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), a fish with commercial importance and widely distributed in tropical and subtropical countries around the world.

Thereby, Revista Bio Ciencias continues with the dissemination of results of scientific investigations, always looking for their greatest impact in the national and international scientific community.
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