The Phaneroptic characterization of the criollo Mixteco cattle from Oaxaca, Mexico
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Animal genetic resource

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Mixteco criollo cattle are considered a national heritage and a zoogenetic resource with high genetic variability, however, they are in danger of extinction. The objective was to characterize the phaneroptic variables of criollo Mixteco bulls from Oaxaca, Mexico, for conservation purposes. Thirty bulls aged 2.3 ± 0.8 years and weighing 248.8 ± 27 kg, located in the municipality of Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, were evaluated. Twenty phaneroptic variables were determined by self-observation. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency measures. To determine differences between counts of the same variable, a Chi2 test was performed. According to the results obtained, the phenotype of the Mixteco creole cattle is characterized by a straight cephalic profile, absence of hump, and short length of dewlap, foreskin and tail. The horns are medium-sized and lyre-shaped. The ears are round and laterally oriented; the hooves and eyelids are black, and the coat, horn and muzzle have a diversity of colors. It is concluded that the Mixteco Creole cattle population of Oaxaca, Mexico, possesses diversity in their phaneroptic characteristics.
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