Heavy metals in macroalgae from the Veracruz reef system, Southern Gulf of Mexico
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The environmental levels of the heavy metals Cd, Cu and Pb were determined in benthic macroalgae in the summer season of 2007 at the Veracruz Reef System, southern Gulf of Mexico. Caulerpa, Dyctiota and Galaxaura samples were hand-collected, at 8-10 m depth, in the leeward reef slope at each of six selected reefs: Galleguilla, Blanquilla, and Isla Verde reefs from the north reef group, and La Blanca, Isla de Enmedio and Anegada de Afuera reefs from the south reef group. Total average concentration of heavy metals were: Cu 2930 1867 ng g-1, Pb 22.813.0 ng g-1 and Cd 13.79.5 ng g-1, and it was considered that they varied in concordance with its availability in the water column. Heavy metal concentrations were lower in the south reef group than in its northern counterpart, probably due to the presence of quelating sedimentary particles. The low concentrations of heavy metals in the macroalgae of the Veracruz Reef System reported here suggest that the coastal area in front of the port of Veracruz actually should not be considered as contaminated.
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