In Mexico, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cancerous tumors are the leading causes of death. A viable option to minimize the harmful effect of these diseases is the consumption of whole grains and edible parts of plants, alone or in combination, for example, the mixture of blue corn, mesquite and Jamaican calyxes, in the preparation of functional foods; this, due to its high content of bioactive compounds. An optimized composite mix of extruded blue corn flour (EBCF), fermented-extruded mesquite pods (FEMPF), and hibiscus calyxes (HCF) was developed to produce functional tortillas. Using an L-Optimal experimental design, 16 mixtures, with different inclusion levels of the three flours were tested. The mixture was optimized to obtain tortillas with the best nutraceutical characteristics (high content of total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity) and adequate sensory acceptability. The optimized mixture consisted of 82.8% EBCF, 10% FEMPF, and 7.2% HCF. The tortillas produced with this mixture showed high values of total phenolic compounds (3,559 mg eq. of gallic acid/100g), anthocyanins (11.7 mg eq. of cyanidin 3-glucoside/100g), flavonoids (37.7 mg eq. of catechin/100g), and antioxidant activity (5,912 µmol eq. of Trolox/100g), along with a sensory acceptability falling between liking slightly and moderately on an eleven-point hedonic scale. These functional tortillas represent a novel strategy to reduce chronic degenerative diseases in Mexico
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