Identification of ecotypes of Agave maximiliana Baker and their difference in biomass and total reducing sugars production
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Agave maximiliana
Reducing sugar

Métricas de PLUMX 


The raicilla is a distillate, product of the ferment of juices of Agave maximiliana pineapples, which are still found in wild form in the Western Sierras of the State of Jalisco. Therefore, the objective of this work consisted in the identification of the different ecotypes of Agave maximilina existing in the western highlands of the state of Jalisco, with their differentiation in the production of biomass and reducing sugars. The work was carried out in 2020 in Mascota, Jalisco, 195 km west of Guadalajara. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with producers and root masters and the ethnotaxa of the different ecotypes were collected. Biomass production was quantified by collecting four specimens per year of growth from 2 to 8 years per ecotype, weighing each pineapple where each weight represented a repetition of the ecotype. The quantification of reducing sugars was carried out by the DNS technique. Seven variants were identified, in which the biomass between them showed no statistical difference in the first 3 years. At 8 years the average yield ranged from 14.25 kg to 47.87 kg depending on the ecotype. Reducing sugar production ranged from 32% to 83%.  A. maximiliana shows high intraspecific genetic variability reflected in pineapple size and weight between and within ecotypes, as well as in the production of total reducing sugars. In the present study, the best ecotypes according to their biomass and total reducing sugar production were the ecotypes named Típica and Costillona.
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