The objective of this research was to morphologically identify the thrips associated with blueberry cultivation in the municipalities of Xalisco and Tepic, Nayarit; In addition, biorational insecticides were evaluated for their management. During the year 2022, thrips were captured with the knockdown technique directly in the crop. Insecticides were applied with 5-liter manual sprayers, with 8-pound pressure and extension with a full cone nozzle. Five applications were made with intervals of 15 days. In Xalisco, eight species of thrips were recorded, while in Tepic only Scirtothrips dorsalis was recorded, which predominated in both properties. Formulated products based on cinnamon extract, garlic, azadirachtin, mustard, a regional control Spintor® (Spinosad) and an absolute control (water) were evaluated individually. The cinnamon extract was the most effective biorational with 73.5% control, while the mustard extract obtained 32.44% being the least effective. The previous results show that the thrips fauna in the blueberry crop is diverse and is mostly represented by S. dorsalis, which is a pest species of this crop in other producing states, in addition, biorational products were found with the potential to be incorporated in an integrated thrips management program.
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