Descending death in soursop (Annona muricata L.) caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae in Nayarit, Mexico
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necrotic tissue

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The study consisted in identifying the causal agent of the descending death of soursop branches in Compostela and San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico. Lasiodiplodia is a poorly studied pathogen regarding its pathogenicity and hosts in Mexico. This reaffirms the need to conduct studies that involve morphological and genetic characters of Lasiodiplodia, especially due to the association of a complex of cryptic species. In this regard, from soursop tissues with apparent symptoms of dieback, 9 isolates with macro and microscopic morphological characters typical of Lasiodiplodia were obtained. The universal primers ITS4 and ITS5 allowed the molecular identification of Lasiodiplodia species, L. theobromae (6 isolates), L. pseudotheobromae (1 isolate), L. venezuelensis (1 isolate) and L. iranensis (1 isolate). The pathogenicity was only confirmed in the L. theobromae (4To2) isolate. L. theobromae, was confirmed with the sequencing of TEF1a using the primers EF-728F and EF-986R, likewise it was determined that induced wilting of leaves, death of branches, and necrotic lesions in the vegetative apices.
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